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                                     World Cruise

              1.  Visit multiple destinations and                 5.  Travel in the company of like-minded
                 scores of countries on one well-                     people and forge lifelong friendships.
                 orchestrated vacation.
                                                                  6.  Escape the winter weather. Most
              2.  Experience a vast number of                         World Cruises depart in January

                 intriguing cultures.                                 and return in the spring.

              3.  Go around the world, often without              7.  It’s the ultimate learning experience.
                 a single international flight.                       Think of a World Cruise as a very
                                                                      sophisticated “semester at sea.”                                                   On longer voyages,
              4.  Guests unpack just once – and enjoy
                 the same (or better) home away from
                 home accommodations, creature                                                                                                                  you are not a tourist,
                 comforts and incredible service.
                                                                                                                                                          but a traveler.

                                            WHY WORLD CRUISERS

                                                 KEEP RETURNING                                                                                                  ~ Wendell, Cruise Specialists Client

                      DESIRE TO SEE                   THEY’VE BUILT                  IT’S A SEASONAL
                       THE WORLD                  STRONG FRIENDSHIPS                     TRADITION

                  Each year there is a new          These friends may be             It’s an alternative to

                 itinerary, providing ample         fellow passengers or           having a winter home,
                  things to see and do for      people they’ve met in ports         or simply has become
                 new and returning guests.         around the globe. It's a        a welcome change from

                                                    great way to reunite.                the routine.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Maui, Hawaii
       3                                                                                                                                For more information, call 888-996-2820 or visit                               4
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