Page 12 - World-Cruise-Guide 2025 - 2027 | Cruise Specialists
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CONSIDER                                                                                                                    CONSIDER
                                   Types of Fares                                                                                 Visas, Insurance & Inoculations

                    World Cruise fares range from completely all-inclusive to a more traditional                                                   A World Cruise is a commitment of time and money. That’s why you
                    fare, with some cruise lines ranging in between. This can lead to a difference                                                 want to make sure you have the proper documents needed to travel
                    of thousands of dollars in what your reservation costs but also lead to a                                                      and take precautions to ensure your trip goes off without a hitch.
                    vastly different onboard experience, in terms of what you pay for once on
                    board. Your World Cruise consultant can help you analyze the differences.                                                      Visas

                                                                                                                                                      »  Visa requirements for a World Cruise will vary depending on the
                                                                                                                                                      guest’s nationality and the destinations on the itinerary.
                    All-Inclusive Fares May Include:             Traditional Fares:
                                                                                                                                                      »  Each visa may take several weeks to acquire. There may also be
                       »  FREE roundtrip air (sometimes             »  A more affordable base entry                                                   a fee associated with the process.
                        first or business class)                     onto the World Cruise.

                       »  FREE pre-cruise luxury hotel              »  Guests decide as they go                                                    Inoculations
                                                                     what they feel is important,                                                     A travel clinic can recommend precautions and immunizations to
                       »  FREE shore excursions                                                                                                       »
                                                                     such as shore excursions,                                                        help you stay healthy and avoid illnesses specific to regions you
                       »  FREE specialty restaurants                 specialty restaurants or                                                         may be visiting.
                                                                     beverage selection.
                       »  FREE unlimited beverages,                                                                                                   »  It’s also important to plan ahead for any current medications
                        including fine wines and                    »  Gratuities are customary at                                                    you are on, to ensure you have the proper amount for your trip.
                        premium spirits                              the end of the cruise; a World
                                                                     Cruise consultant can provide
                       »  FREE pre-paid gratuities                                                                                                 Insurance
                                                                     guidelines to guests.
                       »  FREE transfers between                                                                                                   Travel insurance is the number one way to protect your travel
                                                                                                                                                   investment. There are a variety of types, and you will want to select
                        airport and ship
                                                                                                                                                   the one that best fits with any risk factors as well as your general
                       »  FREE executive transfer                                                                                                  desire to have all of your bases covered while traveling.
                        between home and airport                                                                                                      »  Trip Cancellation
                        (typically under a certain
                        number of miles)                                                                                                              »  Medical Emergencies

                                                                                                                                                      »  Travel Delays

                                                                                                                                                      »  Lost Luggage

                                                                                                                                                      »  Emergency Services

       11                                                                                                                               For more information, call 888-996-2820 or visit                            12
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